Thursday, June 23, 2016

Clown Party Booked!

I just got my 1st clown party booked!

It will be a fun and nervous time but I am positive and ready to entertain!

I will post pictures Saturday!

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

How to remove Face Paint

After all the fun is over, removing the face paint off any person's face can be a bit time consuming, frustrating, or messy.  Well these are some ways I have found throughout the web and from personal experience on how to remove face paint.

There are a few types of face "paint" that is used for the face, some are powder make up, airbrush paints, or wet paints.  

Powder Make Up:

Powder make up that is used for face painting is very similar to eyeshadow.  The powder is water and sweat resistant, so just rubbing with water will not work.  

So how do you remove it??

Easy. There are a few ways to remove the powder.
  • One way is you just add some soap to the water.  Lather up a good amount of soap and rub in a circular motion over the powder.  You can use your hands or a dark cloth to do this.  Let the soap sit a bit to start breaking up the powder off the skin.  Rinse with water and careful not to get the soap in the eyes.  If it still have some stains from the powder, repeat the process after a few minutes.  Don't want to rub too hard or you may irritate the skin.  Patience is key for powder make up using soap and water.

  • Another way to remove powder is using make up remover.  You can use make up remover wipes or the cream, depending on your sensitivity to wipe or cream, I suggest using the soap and water method.  The powder is just like facial make up that is used on a regular use.  To remove the powder using wipes, just wipe over the powder area.  Repeat using wipes if needed.  You can use the make up remover wipes and then follow up with the soap and water.  When using the cream, just rub over area gently by hand or dark cloth.  Follow directions on the cream and repeat if necessary and follow up with soap and water. 

If you happen to get any on clothing or furniture: "Let the stain dry completely, then brush off; if any color remains use a product such as "Spot Shot" on furniture or carpet and use a pre-soak product on clothing."  (From for mehron products).

Airbrush paint:

Depending on the type of paint used, alcohol based or water based, there are a few ways to remove airbrush paint off the skin.
  • For alcohol based paint, the way to remove is using at least 70% rubbing alcohol and a cotton pad or ball to rub the area to remove the paint.  Baby oil or any other alcohol/oil based soap/lotion can remove the paint off the skin.   
  • For water based paint, just use soap and water or other make up remover.
Wet paint:

This type of paint is the type that can rub off your skin when touched, sweat off, and not water resistant.  

  • Halloween make up or any face painting paint is easy to remove with just soap and water.  However, some paints do tend to stain sometimes, so repeating the process may be needed.  

  • Depending on the sensitivity, you can also use baby wipes or make up wipes to remove the paint just as easy.  However, most do not like using the baby wipes because of the texture, chemicals, or whatever sensitivity in baby wipes can irritate the skin or cause allergy especially from cheap brand wipes.  Use baby wipes at your own caution and knowledge.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Website has moved hosts!

Art Stylez just transferred to for the website!

Visit the website

Easier to view, less crowded,  and you can easily find information.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Got some powders for face painting! Another alternative to wet paint!

Did you know that there is face paint that is made of powder instead of wet paint?

Well these powders won't rub off, sweat off, and pretty much waterproof!

Only few ways to take it off, soap and water or makeup remover including makeup wipes.

These are awesome for the summer heat! The kids won't be disappointed that their makeup came off.